
Edgar Allan Poe Individualism Research Paper

Decent Essays

Aaron Ortiz
English 2
Mr. Kimmel
Period 2

Romanticism was a way for America to find individualism through the expression of emotion, the appreciation of nature, the search for identity and the dismissal of rational ideas in writing. 3 poets who seemed to have included this idea in their writing are Edgar Allen Poe born, January 19, 1809 – 1849 was an American author and poet known for his mystery. Poe was one of the earliest American writers of short stories. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson born December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886 was an American poet. Fewer than a dozen of her nearly 1800 poems were published during her lifetime. Many of her poems deal with themes of death and immortality, two recurring topics in letters to her friends. Walter …show more content…

Emotion and love still play an important part in the poem, but instead they portray feelings that are dark and tragic. The sea which is a part of nature, took Annabel Lee away from her love, and in response feelings of grief are produced. Taking these elements of romanticism and turning them into dark and tragic feelings are what made Poe stand out during this period of romanticism and as an author. Many argue that the feeling that he create allow him to better connect to readers. “For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee; and the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee” This is not logical. What makes this line so romantic is that no one would observe their lovers eyes in the stars but in romantic sense imagination trumps logic which is crucial and his emotions allow him to create a world around …show more content…

In this poem Whitman identifies America and the people that make up the country. By doing this Whitman perceives the world around him and pinpoints man which fits into individualism. One of Whitman's romantic ideas in "I Hear America Singing" is his belief that America is made up of individuals. By making such a connection, Whitman shows that he believes that American is represented through the working individuals by them each doing their respective jobs Few would argue that Whitman is depicting the honest challenges of working individuals, but within his composition, Whitman conveys an ideal thought or hope of what he aspires for America to be or to be represented as. One can see where Romanticism is used into his depiction of

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