
Essay about Edgar Allen Poe's Gothicism

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Edgar Allen Poe Gothicism When the name Edgar Allen Poe is mentioned the thoughts of horror, shock, and terror come to the common readers mind. Some though, think more powerful words such as revolutionary, intellectual, or gothic. Poe’s works such as Pit And The Pendulum, The Tell-Tale Heart, Hop-Frog, and The Fall of the House of Usher are considered to be staple works of the 19th century gothic genre. Elements of gothic writing include the number seven, madness, and ironic twists.

E.A. Poe used the number seven in his writings to express his gothic style of literature. For example, in Pit And The Pendulum when the character attempted to map his dark surroundings, he counted 52 paces before he had swooned. In reality, the …show more content…

Madness is also a common element in Poe’s works. For instance, in Pit And The Pendulum, the character embraces a point of madness as the pendulum slowly swings toward him but eventually overcomes his madness to save himself from the pendulum. Madness is also found in The Tell-Tale Heart becomes the madness embraces the murderer of the novel as he obsesses and distresses over the eye of the old man whom he eventually destroys and dismembers it also infects the character when he is stricken with the guilt of his horrible act. Also, Hop-Frog shows signs of madness as well when Hop-Frog becomes infuriated with the King and his seven councilors behavior and through an extremely well delivered plan has them all torched to a public death. In The Fall of the House of Usher the character Madeline was embraced with the madness (insanity) after being locked in a coffin alive so that her fiancè would be disposed of by her brother. His work with gothic literature and his life as a depressed child, adult, and man has caused madness to be a common influence for in his literature.

Another frequent component in the 19th century gothic literature of Edgar Allen Poe was the use of ironic twists. The previously unmentioned Spanish Inquisition that appeared in Pit And The Pendulum and saved the imprisoned character was a prime example of an ironic and unexpected twist to the story

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