
Edward Mcclelland Roll The Middle Class Summary

Decent Essays

Has there been a demise in the middle class? Edward McClelland believes there has been. Could he be right? Since the 1970’s, the middle class has been slowly declining is the assumption that McClelland makes. Through my life experiences, I believe McClelland has some strong points but could be wrong in some areas. And I believe where you are located can also makes a difference. In Edward McClelland’s article, “RIP, the Middle Class: 1946-2013”, McClelland argues that there has been a decline in the middle class since the 1980’s. He begins his article remembering times in the 1970’s, when the middle class was able to live similar to the upper class. He stated “I saw the evidence of prosperity distributed equally among the social classes: speedboats, Corvette Stingrays, waterbeds, snowmobiles, motorcycles, hunting rifles, RV’s, CB radios. This was his evidence that the middle class was doing well and prospering. He also gave an example of a couple he knew. This couple was told they would have jobs for life but when the job moved to Singapore in 2004, they were laid …show more content…

Can a family make it off of both spouses income and live comfortably? My findings are, they can depending on the location, but in some locations they cannot. My first example of this: While living in Texas, for the first time since graduating high school, I was able to find a good paying job without a degree. The cost of living was equally matched with the wages. My husband and I were able to provide for my family’s necessities and have extra money left over. However, when I moved back to Pensacola, FL, that all changed. The pay was extremely low for not having a degree and the cost of living was through the roof. Not only did I have to have one full time job but I also had to have a part time job and my husband had to also have a full time job to make ends meet. The collapse of the economy did not do much to help these

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