
Effects Of Conflict In The Crucible

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Conflict can raise awareness to certain situations so that those conflicts are avoided from happening again. Conflict can bring out the best in people but it can also bring out the worst. Conflict is usually between two or more individuals and usually has either a positive or negative effect, sometimes both. Conflict can come from various different situations and have diverse effects depending on the circumstance and situation. I will be writing an expository piece in relation to the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller and will be drawing in from other sources. The key characters and events from The Crucible in this piece I will be exploring is the relationship and conflicts caused between John Proctor and Abigail.
The first source I will be …show more content…

The conflict between Abigail and John Proctor is the most evident of all. After a secret love affair, Abigail is determined to make John Proctor hers and she goes to extreme measures to make sure of it. Abigail’s master plan was to eliminate John’s wife Elizabeth so that they could be together. Unfortunately, her plan didn’t go accordingly and mass hysteria broke out rattling conflict through Salem Village. John Proctor was unfaithful to his wife and caused her a large amount of grief. The following lyrics in the song ‘Unfaithful’ by Rihanna relate to the misery, distress and heartbreak Abigail Williams Caused to John Proctor and his family ultimately leading to his …show more content…

An example of Negative conflict is the murder of James Foley. Although this event was obviously not a positive one, a few positive outcomes may have came from such a tragedy.
According to the oxford dictionary a ‘Crucible’ is defined as: A situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.
On the 19th of August 2014, a tragedy shook the world. An American Journalist was beheaded after being captured by an organised gang. James Foley a freelance journalist and photographer who had been working in the middle east in locations such as Syria and Afghanistan, some of the most dangerous cities in the world. Jihadi allegedly captured him in 2011 after they suspected he was a spy working for the American government, completely false. James Foley had been working for the global post covering the conflict in Afghanistan. James Foley found inspiration working in the war zone and was said to have been a very inspiring man. The accusations made about him were similar to those made in the crucible and both of these stories had the same outcome, death. Much like John Proctor and the innocent victims accused of witchcraft in the crucible, James Foley never got a chance to prove himself and his truth in a justified way. A man with no intent to do cause harm against anyone, and he was brutally murdered for doing what he loved. The positive outcomes

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