
Delinquency In Frankenstein Essay

Decent Essays

When society rejects someone, where do they turn? Neglected children become juvenile delinquents, often becoming criminals or immoral because of this rejection. The effects are a variety, often embellished dramatically in film and novel. In the novel Frankenstein, Shelley creates a literal monster, to criticize a society that judges others based on looks and contributes to juvenile delinquency.
One of the main conflicts in the book is that people automatically assume that the monster is evil simply based on it’s looks. People instantly reject the monster because nobody knows what he is; he is something completely new, not animal or human. Though he seems to be human on the inside, it seems that everyone rejects him and is hates him simply for how he is physically. The monster acknowledges this by saying “Why did you form a monster so hideous …show more content…

Though this does not mean romantically attractive, people are constantly judging each other for how their human interaction will go. This is a theme that will always be relevant, whether is be because of race, gender, or looks. People are always sending a message based on how they look, and people make quick judgements no matter how hard they try not to. Movie stars have a tendency to be more attractive than regular people merely because they look good for the camera. In society, people have different preferences; one person might be attractive to someone and not to someone else. However, in Frankenstein, everyone thinks that the monster is unattractive, and everyone hates him for it. It doesn’t help that nobody understands the monster, they can’t view things from his perspective. The monster says “I am alone and miserable. Only someone as ugly as I am could love me.” Frankenstein’s monster gets no sympathy, so he feels that only another monster could understand him, to the point where he would kill for

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