
Effects Of Dreams In The Great Gatsby

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Introduction –

Is pursuing one’s dream necessarily a good thing. Chasing your dreams is always a gamble, you may get all the things your heart desires, money, wealth, fame or the search for your dream could go terribly wrong, you could find yourself in terrible circumstances like losing everything and everyone you ever had. Most people have the mind-set that they should dream big and run after their dreams. But sometimes people end up losing sight of everything else, they are only driven by their thirst to reach their goal. This is when pursuing your dreams turns to mush, this is when it stops being a dream and becomes an obsession, a very dangerous obsession. This is where The Great Gatsby comes in. Much of the focus of the novel is Jay Gatsby trying to rekindle the love he and a girl from his past who happens to be in a different socio-economic status to him.

Paragraph 1 – Gatsby and his story

Jay Gatsby is the protagonist of the novel The Great Gatsby, was a former member of the blue collar class, but as a child he had a …show more content…

This is evident in The Great Gatsby when Jay Gatsby’s lies come back to haunt him, in chapter 7 when Tom Buchanan begins investigating who Gatsby really is “I found out what your ‘drug stores’ really were” and Gatsby replies “what about it? Gatsby said politely” Here Gatsby was caught lying, but he doesn’t have a care in the world about it, as he sees it, everyone is tied up in some sort of lies and deception but Tom has double standards. Because he is a WASP he believes things that apply to most apply to him. In chapter 5 the author uses pathetic fallacy to show things are taking a turn for the worst, dark clouds approach Gatsby’s house, the sea becomes choppy and Gatsby receives a phone call that displeases him. The author uses pathetic fallacy to show us that ‘party time’ is over for Gatsby; he must meet his

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