
Effects Of Mass Incarceration In The Prison System

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So even though the United States has reduced the prison population by 2.3% from 2014 to 2015, the fact remains the United States still has a problem with mass incarceration in the prison system (U.S. Department of Justice, 2016). Some solutions and alternatives are needed to reduce this population even more to right the injustice which has occurred over the past several decades. Some solutions and alternatives would include eliminating prison for lower-level crimes, eliminating minimum and maximum prison sentences for many low level crimes and give judges back the discretion to make decisions based on the crime itself, eliminate the “three strikes law” which puts people in prison for long periods of time for low-level crimes, make many of these policies retroactive for any policy changes, and reinvest the money which is saved to prevent future crimes and recidivism in our criminal justice system.
To start, prison time for lower-level crimes make up half the prison population and is one of the many causes for mass incarceration. The sentencing project shows that 91.8% of the Federal prison population in 2015 were for drug, property, or public order offenses, with the drug offenses being at 49.5%. In State prisons, for these same offenses, the prison population make up 46.3%. Violent crime offenses for Federal prison population was 7.4% compared to State prison population, which was at 52.9% (The Sentencing Project, 2017). The empirical data alone shows that if we can

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