
What Is The Lost Cause Of The Confederacy?

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Despite taking place 150 years ago, the Civil War is still an event that weighs heavily on America’s conscious. The effects of the Civil War continue to alter American politics, and daily life. Many southerners still feel ill will towards the North, terming the war, “The War of Northern Aggression”, and recalling fondly their “Lost Cause”. Battles over states’ rights and the power of the Federal Government continue on, forming the ideological bases of our main political parties. A war was fought between neighbors, brothers, and former countrymen, something that our country had not endured before, or has since. The rift that was created between opposing sects in the country was not one that could be swiftly remedied. The war’s end did not preclude immediate reconciliation, as Reconstruction was a long and arduous process that was not done to perfection. Recently, there has been controversy over the use of the Confederate flag, as people are trying to reconcile honoring their heritage, while still understanding what that heritage stood for. The war provided our politicians with a model of how a President should act, giving us possibly our finest Commander in Chief. The Civil War has remained so compelling to Americans because of its unique nature, how its history should be viewed, and the historical impact of the war’s famous actors. The idea of the “Lost Cause of the Confederacy” is one that has informed many aspects of southern life in the years succeeding the Civil War.

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