
Effects Of The United States On Foreign Policy And Why It Matters

Decent Essays

The United States have been involved in many countries throughout history. Most recently the U.S. have been involved with the Middle East and terrorist groups within those countries. Throughout our involvement in other countries the U.S. has experienced blowback. The term blowback has played a significant role on our foreign policy. “Blowback is defined as the unintended consequences of policies that were kept from the American people” (Johnson, 2000, p. 8). This paper will discuss the effects of blowback in United States foreign policy and why it matters, the consequences of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and how the Bush administration contributed to the rise of ISIS.
Chalmers Johnson says that “an obvious form of blowback often occurs when the victims fight back after a secret American bombing, a U.S. sponsored campaign of state terrorism, or a CIA- engineered overthrow of a foreign political leader” (Johnson, 2000, p. 9). If the United States picks sides during a war, blowback will occur. An example of the United States facing blowback would be when President Jimmy Carter and the Reagan Administration secretly allowed the CIA to ship weapons to the mujahedeen during the Soviet War in Afghanistan. The first shipment of these weapons were single-shot .303 Lee Enfield rifles (Coll, 2004, p. 58). The Reagan administration also gave Pakistan dictator, Mohammed Zia- ul- Haq, $3.2 billion to buy F-16 fighter jets; these F-16 fighter jets were only available to NATO allies and

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