
Elaborative Rehearsal

Decent Essays

Principles That Enhance Retention Of Information Both elaborative rehearsal and organization are principles that have been shown to enhance explicit retention of information in long-term memory. Elaborative rehearsal is a complex rehearsal that involves thinking about the meaning of information in order to store and remember it as opposed to just repeating it over and over (Ashcraft & Radvansky, 2014). Elaborately rehearsed information is deeply stored in the memory and as a result it aids the retention of information in long term memory. For instance, using the term, “every good boy does fine”, in order to remember the musical notes EGBDF on the lines of the treble clef is an example of elaborative rehearsal. Moreover, researchers have uncovered evidence that supports the effectiveness of elaborative rehearsal to enhance explicit retention of information in long term memory. Elaborative rehearsal improves recall (Bunce & Macready, 2005). Bunce and Macready (2005) found that greater elaborative rehearsal was that basis for improved recollection amongst young adults. Bunce and Macready (2005) conducted a study that consisted of 104 participants that studied two lists of semantically unrelated nouns. Results suggested that elaborative …show more content…

The manner in which information is stored has been shown to play a major role in enhancing long term memory. Consequently, information that is related to preexisting knowledge assists in deep processing. Also, information that is grouped together based on a shared relationship can be stored and retrieved with greater accuracy. Therefore, both elaborative rehearsal and organization are important principles that have been shown to enhance explicit retention of information in long-term

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