
Ella Dying At Home Case Study

Decent Essays

In my research, I will discuss the benefits of Ella dying at home and the psychological affects staying in a hospital can have on her, particularly after the fact she has requested to be with her family during her last days. it will be appropriate for Ella to live out her last days in the comfort of her own home.
Since Ella has come to terms that she has cancer and her physician has recommended Hospice, I would assume not treating the cancer is not a decision factor for treatment decisions. She has come to terms that treatment is not available and her alternative methods are no longer effective. Although her family wish that she remains in a facility, Ella must follow her inner sense as to what is right for her and her family must be supportive …show more content…

if Ella remains in her home environment she will feel a sense of comfort. Based on Ella’s past responses concerning a treatment decisions, I think it is vital to mention the lawful aspects of her decision to stay at home. “The law permits individuals to die in the comfort of their own home, even in the event the decision would cause physical harm or death for someone who is too sick such as Ella to receive treatment” ( Since Ella is staying home, I would like to discuss the disadvantages of her decision. Staying at home could increase extend a burden on her husband and family members emotionally and physically and these factors can be overwhelming for the family, however I will include with the help of the Hospice team and proper organization and planning these disadvantages could resolved. Another disadvantage is not all physicians are willing to care for terminally ill individuals which this issue is easily resolvable by referring to a physician that care for Hospice patients. While completing my research, I found the advantages of Ella staying home by far outweigh the disadvantages. As I discussed earlier Ella will be in the comfort of her own home, in addition her family, extended family, friends and neighbors would be able to visit as Ella permits, dying in the home will enable Ella to maintain her quality of life, she will have control over her own decisions vs being at a hospital the physician or nurse has the final say based on what they recommend as well as diet schedules and no one wants to be controlled during their last days of living. Finally, I do believe one know when they are getting near the end-of-life as the physical and cognitive changes begin to diminish and it is visually noticeable. Most dying people are very intuitive near the end-of-life; thus

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