
Emilia As A Female Character In Shakespeare's Othello

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Emilia, in the play Othello, is not a typical example of a female character during the time of William Shakespeare. When one contrasts the time of the Renaissance to the modern day, one must determine the context of the times. A forewarning is that Emilia would not be unusual if one assesses her character by contemporary standards; nevertheless, analyzing the time of Shakespeare, an argument can be made about whether or not Emilia is the embodiment of feminist values. To commence this thought, it is important to factor in that under what is considered feminism today, Emilia arguably would not be within that realm; however, a strong argument could be made that she was the prototype for what will be considered feminism in the future. Emilia’s character is important to the play because of how she responds to the other characters. In Othello, females are not viewed in the same light as males, as the men in the play refer to them as whores and witches. Emilia conveys a message of feminism throughout the play by speaking out when she needed to and by being critical of the horrific actions of the men in the play. To commence, it is important to look at the context behind why it was necessary for Emilia to be portrayed as a prototype feminist. In the play, the female characters are not treated with the same respect as males throughout the play, as they are liberally called whores and witches throughout, “I took you for that cunning whore of Venice” (IV.ii.94) along with “Zounds,

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