
Emily Grierson In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

Satisfactory Essays

Emily Grierson in “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is portrayed as a woman regarded with high prestige who, over time, loses not only her mind but also the respect of those around her. Grierson’s personality is not revealed all at once but instead slowly develops in each paragraph, only adding to the character’s intriguing appeal. Emily Grierson is not only mentally ill but also nostalgic. At times she is also arrogant, which stems from her nostalgia. Emily Grierson is the embodiment of mental illness. If anything were to be taken away from Faulkner’s story, it is that Emily Grierson is mentally unstable. After Grierson’s father dies, she shows “no trace of grief on her face” insisting that “her father [is] not dead”. This is the first

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