
Empathy In Mark Twain's Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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Empathy in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Family can be found anywhere, even in the most unexpected places. Family in unexpected places was very common in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Being blood does not always make people family, and this was apparent in the novel. The most important non biological family was Huck and Jim. Huck and Jim as an unconventional family can be more beneficial than traditional families because of the empathy it created for Huck.
Strong family units allow for the realization that people should not be treated poorly. Huck had the bad habit of pranking Jim quite often because Jim was nothing but entertainment to Huck. Once they started their adventures on the Good Ole Mississippi, these pranks did not …show more content…

A good family teaches their kids to not be racist, just like how Jim was inadvertently teaching Huck not to be racist. Since Huck was a white teenage boy growing up in the south, racism was all he knew. He knew a lot of people who owned slaves and that was normal to him. He did not really think about the fact that they were people too; they were just niggers to him. Slaves were a form of entertainment. Huck learned about slaves lives when Jim started talking about his family. Jim was longing for his wife and children one night in particular. Jim talked about how when he got freed he would go back and bring his wife and children to freedom. He also admitted to his mistakes as a father, such as beating his daughter for not listening to directions even though he did not know at the time that his daughter was deaf and could not hear his directions (Twain pg 154). Huck realized at this moment that slaves had families too and were just as human as he was. “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n” (Twain pg 153). Jim’s honesty had an effect on Huck and made Huck want to help Jim to freedom even more. Even though he does not really view Jim’s feelings as “natural” he is still surprised to see that black families are just as close to each other as white families. Strong family units teach that racism is not okay and that all members should be

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