
Enclosure Act Of The United States

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According to the online dictionary, enclosure is an area that is sealed off with an artificial or natural barrier. During the eighteenth century, enclosure was the legal process in England where a number of small landholdings were enclosed to create one large farm. British Enclosure Acts removed the previous rights of local people to rural land they had often used for generations. To the present day in Africa, enclosure removes people from their ancestral land. The lands seized by the acts were merged into individual and privately owned farms, with large, politically connected farmers receiving the best land. Often, small landowners could not afford the legal and other associated costs of enclosure and so were forced out (McElroy, 2012). Through series of Parliamentary Acts, open fields and wastes were closed to use by the peasantry. Open fields were large agricultural areas to which a village population had certain rights of access and which they tended to divide into narrow strips for cultivation. The wastes were unproductive areas to which the peasantry had traditional and collective rights of access in order to pasture animals, harvest meadow grass, fish, and collect firewood (McElroy, 2012).
Now in the twenty-first century, land grab continues the historic process of land enclosures. Enclosure by land grabbing is driven by a combination of the food/energy/climate crisis and the financial crisis (McMichael, 2012). With the increase price of food and energy, land has

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