
End Of Life Decision Making

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In The Matter Of Earle N. Spring Introduction End of life decision making can be an easy procedure. It can also become a hard decision that in some cases, ends up being up to a court of law to decide. In order for such choice to be a smooth process, understanding of appropriate considerations and cooperation from each individual is needed. Ideally each individual, while competent, will have a plan in place that stipulates what they want done as far as medical treatment goes in the event they were no longer competent and a decision concerning their health needed to be made, a living will is a good example. When no action like mentioned above had been taken while an individual is capable, and a situation presents where a decision regarding end of life treatment needs to be made, there could be conflicts between families or guardians and the medical team (Spring. V. Hennessey, 1980) The situation can turn into an ethical problem; there are many protocols to be follow before making a final decision that will coincide with the family or guardians and other parties involve in the best patient’s interest. In the case of Earle N. Spring that came before a judge in nineteen seventy eight, end of life treatment or wishes had not been specified in any written form; consequently, a conflict arose between the family and medical team when it came to making a decision regarding Mr. Spring’s health (Spring. V. Hennessey, 1980) Plaintiff’s cause of action Mr. Spring became critically ill.

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