
Enslaved People In Nightjohn

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Throughout history, humans have demonstrated having ideals that made them believe they are superior than other humans. Look no further than the United States, when racism thrived and African American people were enslaved for no other reason than that their skin was darker than that of a white man. The institution of slavery has been embedded into American civilization longer than it hasn’t, and although slavery in America was atrocious and heinous, it had very uplifting sides. Gary Paulsen’s historical fiction novel NightJohn displays both sides of slavery through the eyes of a young, enslaved girl named Sarny and her journey of learning how to read and write from a fellow enslaved African American named John on the Waller Plantation. The method Paulsen describes the harsh restrictions placed on enslaved people, the brutal treatment of these …show more content…

To start off, the cruel restrictions forced upon enslaved people in the Waller Plantation are replicated in other reliable sources. The whole plot of NightJohn revolved around the struggles of a young African American girl and her life as a slave, restricted from doing the most basic activities. Solomon Northup was a free man when he was kidnapped and sold as an enslaved person. His autobiography “ 12 Years a Slave” corroborates with the restrictions in NightJohn when it states “ One reason is, they are not allowed to learn the art of swimming and are incapable of crossing the most inconsiderable of streams”. In other words, learning things that would have given enslaved people even a miniscule light of hope was restricted. This is exactly what is portrayed in NightJohn when John teaches Sarny how to write letter in secret, to avoid punishment. What Northup is

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