
Enter Three Witches Book Summary

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Enter Three Witches: A Story of Macbeth by Caroline B. Cooney is a book focusing on two supporting characters: Lady Mary, the daughter of the Thane of Cawdor, and Fleance, son of Banquo. These supporting characters fit in a strange way into the ‘backstory’ of Macbeth. The story which is interesting by its self, has flaws. In reading this book directly after Macbeth by William Shakespeare it is difficult find the deeper meaning of Enter Three Witches. One struggle of the book is finding the meaning or purpose to the story. Half way through the book most readers cannot find the ‘why’ behind the book. Why is Lady Mary important to the book, how does se impact the overall story of Macbeth? Is she growing as a character? If Mary is the protagonist who is the antagonist? Many questions left unanswered. The overall confusion on the why of the book comes from the simple question, who is the book about: Lady Mary or Macbeth? Another confusion with the book is the title. Picking up and reading the cover many assume the book is about the witches working behind the scenes eventually leading Macbeth to his demise. The book does talk about the witches in better detail and from a different point of view, however the reader only gets a glimpse at them and their full impact. …show more content…

The book comes off as a different view, and different story but this just complicates the meaning of Macbeth. It tries to add on the story frankly where things don’t need to be added. One of these unneeded things was the characters of Swin and Illred. These characters had major roles in the story with Lady Mary, sometimes even having their own thoughts put into the book. These characters never existed in the world of Macbeth, they barely have contact with characters who are major. Thus confusing the reader who is trying to understand the story better through the

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