
Epilepsy: Partial Onset Seizures

Decent Essays

Epilepsy is a medical ailment in which nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed, causing seizures. Epilepsy consists of many levels of severity; there are staring spells on the lower end, and Grand Mal seizures on the higher end. Cheyenne is on the lower end with staring spells, memory loss, and involuntary talking it’s called Partial Onset Seizures; she has the potential that it can have it turn into Grand Mal seizures at any point in her life. On the path to discovering her epilepsy, it changed her and her family’s lives forever. Cheyenne was a somewhat normal teenager, she went to high school, tried hard to get good grades, and went home instead of going out with friends like any good teenager would. She was a good student, she got B honor roll, and was even in band playing the clarinet. Then suddenly, there was a drop in her B grades and a drop in interest. Cheyenne was now getting Cs or sometimes even D’s on test, and her family didn’t think anything of it, they just figured it was normal and that she would just try harder next time. Then …show more content…

To temporarily solve a more serious problem, they gave her medication, and we were on our way. When the time finally came to see the neurologist, they had hooked her up to an EEG, which monitored her brain waves. They found nothing in this EEG, until a different hospital performed a 24-48 hour EEG. She was in the hospital trying to make sure she had her homework completed and was caught up, when the machine caught strange brain waves when she was doing her math homework. This was the first time the doctor told us it wasn’t seizures due to stress, but partial onset seizures. Her brain looks normal, but when a seizure hits, it starts in the left temporal lobe and travels to the right side of her brain, lighting up like a firework. This affects her mood and emotions, to where her brain must reboot in order for her to

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