
Epilogue Of Odysseus

Decent Essays

I,Elpenor, was one of Ella’s(odysseus) many companions, and now I am in the house of hades, so I will tell you my story. It all started at the end of the trojan war when Resourceful Ella and the companions began the journey back to sunny Ithaca. We decided to explore land around Troy, but somehow ended up on the other side of the continent. I don't exactly know how, because I was sleeping.
When I woke up, one of the men told me that Zeus had sent a storm after we left Ismarus,the land of Cicones .
So now we were on the island of the lotus eaters, we had never seen this place before, so we wanted to explore it and see if they had food to offer us. Ela sent me and some men to check the place and see what kind of people lived there. When I first …show more content…

We tried to figure out where the smell was coming from, but we somehow ended up inside a giant cave. The giant cyclop appeared and locked the entrance. He later ate 6 of our men, two at a time. Great Ella blinded the cyclops, who was named polyphemus, after she offered him wine. Ella cleverly told polyphemus that her name is "No Man", so when the cyclops would scream for help of the other cyclops, he would say “No man has hurt me”. Our plan was successful and we got sheep from the island of the cyclops.
Aeolia was our next stop and we were treated well by Aeolus, who offered Ella a bag of winds that would help him reach Ithaca. But when we left for Ithaca, Sam(a companion) decided to be stupid and open the bag of winds.We returned to the Aeolia, but Aeolia refused to help us, and now we had figure out our way back to Ithaca. We saw this giant place, called laestrygonian island, and Ella sent three men to see if these people were bread eater, little did we know that giants lived here.
I smartly stayed with Ella, while the giants ate the other men.
Circe’s island was the stop when I died a stupid death. Circe was a goddess who had the ability to turn human beings into pigs;she turned us into pigs. Odysseus came to our rescue, and rescued us by living with Circe for a year. I don't remember exactly how I died but I was drunk and I think I fell off a roof and broke my neck. I

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