
Equality And Inequality

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As the society in the United States continues to grow, more inequality and prejudice continues to occur. A lack of diversity is negatively affecting the world becoming more equal. The justice system, the downgrade of women, and the workforce is some of the inequality problems that stand out the most. Society needs to adapt to changes for the better because history has shown the positive impacts in a diverse society. The United States once was mainly occupied by a single race, but as society grew, it became more diverse. With it, problems arose, and inequality/prejudice has been a recurring issue. In the article, “Race and Ethnicity” by Bill Wanlund, talks about prejudice and the rise of other races. He says, “And by 2043 whites will no longer make up the majority of the U.S population” (1). The Majority is being made up of colored people, and these growing races have been lagging behind the word success. Compared to the whites, Blacks/Hispanics have a lower unemployment, lower net worth, and higher poverty rate. Many issues can be the reason for such saddens, but sadly these races are not being represented equally. As a society, it’s important for all races to be represented equally and by the right person. An effective solution will be to allow people of color to be recognized more often in social media outlets. The message the people share is important for society to understand their issues and how it’s affecting everyone. The person who’s being applauded for their

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