
How Does Macbeth Change Throughout The Play

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The play Macbeth is about a character named Macbeth who ultimately crumble under the pressure and changes himself not for the better. It can be argued that three things were a playing factor as to why Macbeth changed into the killer he is. These three things are, the three witches from the beginning of the play, Macbeth wife, and evidently Macbeth himself. The beginning of the play starts with the introduction of three witches these witches are the start to Macbeth's downfall. The second and third contribution to Macbeth's destruction is his wife and himself, they provoke the problem further changing each of them not for the better.

Presented in the first scene of the play Macbeth is the introduction of three witches. These three witches are extremely impactful to Macbeth's ultimate destruction. Each of these three witches individually present to macbeth the prophecies that will come true. The first is that macbeth will become Thane of Glamis, the second that he will become Thane of Cawdor, and last the third and most intriguing is that Macbeth will become King. The three witches continued to prophesy in Act one scene three that Macbeth will be “Not so …show more content…

Soon after the prophecies Macbeth travel to the King's palace where he was named Thane of Cawdor. Now, the first prophecy presented by the witches was coming true. The only problem is the next step, for Macbeth to become King. Unfortunately, In order for Macbeth to become King he must kill the King. In Act one scene six, Lady Macbeth says, “Who dares receive it other as we shall make our griefs and clamor roar.” Lady Macbeth is determined and will do anything to obtain clamor. Lady Macbeth realizes this sooner than Macbeth does and points out the obvious to him. That very night the King stayed at the Macbeths palace, it was at this point that Lady Macbeth pushed Macbeth over the edge to the point of killing the King to obtain the

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