
Essay Comparing Macbeth And Macduff

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In Shakespeare's story "Macbeth", both Macbeth and Macduff were significant characters that were strong soldiers on the battlefield but something that puts them on opposite sides are how Macbeth was too caught up in love, and had a diverse views as a leader while Macduff was not caught up as Macbeth in love but showed noble qualities of a leader. In the beginning, King Duncan is faced with an invading army and fortunately has a prodigious noble on his side- Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis. Macbeth with the assistance of his friend Banquo steered Duncan’s forces to triumph. King Duncan happy with the victory, states that "What he has lost, noble Macbeth has won." (27. 75). Soon after, King Duncan declares Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth can be summarized into a character that is strong …show more content…

As the play continues, we pick up that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship changes himself and her. Their relationship signifies, trust, cruelness, and teamwork. Soon after, Macbeth learnt about the prophecies from the witches, they predicted that he will be the king but also predict that Malcom- the son of King Duncan will become the prince of Cumberland. Feeling uneasy about this, Macbeth writes a letter to his wife and lets her know and she urges Macbeth to kill Duncan to acquire the crown. But Macbeth is quite uneasy about this and isn’t as strong as Lady Macbeth believes because she said herself that if King Duncan did not resemble her father as much, she would do the job. Slowly, Macbeths caves in and gets persuaded into killing King Duncan. With the blood on his hands, Macbeth becomes a murderer and soon comes to lose his mind. He begins to change into something so wicked that he couldn't find his way back into the heroic warrior that he was. He started to become weary of his surroundings and dependent towards the

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