
Essay Comparing The Epic Of Gilgamesh And The Book Of Genesis

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Between the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis from the Hebrew Bible, there are conspicuous similarities in their stories. First and foremost, these pieces of literature share an account of a world flood. In Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh the flood story is recounted, where Ea, a God of many chooses to divulge the disaster ahead to a male figure, Utanapishtim, although the flood sent by Enil is not meant to be survived by anyone. In some similarity, God favors Noah and provides him instructions of what to do for preparation of the flood. Utanapishtim is not told of the reason for the flood, meanwhile, God’s reason for the flood in Genesis was that the Lord saw the wickedness in the human race and because of that He “regretted having made the human on earth” (Puchner et al 163). …show more content…

Discrepancies between these boats are their size and shape. Ea instructed Utanapishtim how to build the boat “Let her dimensions be measured out: Let her width and length be equal,” (Puchner et al. 143) meaning this arc would resemble a cube. Whereas, God’s instructions to Noah were “This is how you shall make it: three hundred cubits, the ark’s length; fifty cubits its width; thirty cubits, its height.” (Puchner et al. 163). Similarly, both righteous men were informed to load the arc with their families and a sampling of animals, Ea ordered “Take aboard the boat seed of all living things” (Puchner 143) and God spoke, “Come into the ark, you and all your household…Of every clean animal take you seven pairs, each with its mate” (Puchner 163). The main characters in both stories agreed what their God asked of them, for example, Utanapishtim responded: “Your command, my lord, exactly as you did said it, I shall faithfully execute,” (Puchner

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