
Essay Comparing Two Articles About Refugees

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Two articles about refugees are similar and different in many ways. The first article by the Associated Press, talks about the similarities and differences between the Holocaust and today's time. A Jew who experienced the Holocaust as a young boy, says that he sees the similarities between his experience and those fleeing Syria, but it isn't the same. The second article by the Fresno Bee, talks about a Syrian family who fled their country due to violence. It also talks about the millions of people displaced by Syrian conflict.
Both articles are similar because they both talk about the plight of refugees trying to find a home of safety and people that will treat them with hospitality. But on the other hand, the articles differ. One of the ways they are different is because the first article states how the Jews were forced to leave their country, unlike the Syrians who choose to leave their country because of the ongoing violence around them. According to the second article, …show more content…

One of the similarities in both articles is that they talk about how Jews and Syrians are judged by people who are prejudiced toward them. The first article states, "Jews fled Europe because of the discrimination and mistreatment based on their religion, he said. Just six weeks after his family entered the U.S. in 1942 all the remaining Jews in their village were sent to a concentration camp." This evidence conveys that the reason Jews fled Europe was to escape mistreatment based on their religion. Based on the second article, "Families are seeking safe haven from war and terror, and because of ignorance and a supposed fear of importing terrorism, the families become targets of suspicion and hatred." This evidence shows that because people often associate Muslims with terrorism, they are prejudiced toward them and overlook Syrian families seeking help. In conclusion, this is one of the similarities between the two

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