
Essay On 1920s American Women

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Women of the west saw quite a bit of change in how society saw them beginning in the late 1800’s with the suffrage movement. Later on in the 1900’s, two major events rattled the country in how women were to appear and act, the sexual revolution of the 1920’s and World War II. The times in American history gave women a new ideal to live up to with more freedoms than ever before. Western women were free to break from their past molds and feel liberated as flappers and employed women. In the 1920’s, mainstream American culture quickly shifted the ideal American women from the strict Victorian motherhood to a new sexy, flirtatious, and feminine way of life. It began with the new form of dating known as “The Treat.” Centered around a date where the man paid for everything in exchange for sexual favors from the woman, “The Treat” did not have a terrible reputation as prostitution as there was no cash going directly to the woman. This allowed single women to enter spaces they never would have gone before since they were now accompanied by their gentlemen callers. It also paved the way for new ideals of women in society. …show more content…

A wave of sexiness hit America as popular culture even began painting women as less Victorian and more sensual. Magazines even instructed the public on sexual techniques. This sensation came to a head with the introduction of the flapper. As this new picture of females rose in popularity, women were able to be free, sexual, and not confined to rigid and Victorian body ideals. Corsets were no longer expected as women opted for a more boyish image with flatten breasts and minimal curves. This new expectation for women gave them a new attitude toward the female body, empowering them to be who they want to be, not what the men want them to

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