
Essay On 1984 Totalitarianism

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In 1984, a totalitarian dictator rules over Oceania. A totalitarian government is a government where one ruler, the dictator, has absolute control over citizens’ lives (“Totalitarianism,” Encyclopaedia). In 1984, Big Brother has the role of the dictator, as he is ultimately in charge of everything that happens. No matter what anybody does, he always has the final say. If anybody does anything he does not like, then they are completely eliminated from society. The people in his society are all programmed from birth to follow what he says, and even turn on each other in favor of the Party. In Encyclopaedia Britannica’s page on totalitarian governments, it addresses social interaction between people under rule of a dictator:
Under totalitarian rule, traditional social institutions and organizations are discouraged and suppressed. Thus, the social fabric is weakened and people become more amenable to absorption into a single, …show more content…

Intercouse is only allowed for the purpose of reproduction, and having any sexual desire towards your significant other is heavily discouraged by the Party. Big Brother uses people’s bottled up sexual frustration to aid him in pushing his agenda forward, therefore making the people more controllable, like Encyclopaedia Britannica says. The public organizations it mentions are also paralleled in 1984 with groups like The Spies, which encourages young children to spy on and report their parents to the Thought Police when they find their parents are against the Party, and the Junior Anti-Sex League, which teaches youth about the Party’s distaste towards sexual urges. Police in a totalitarian government also act without laws, but rather by what they believe the dictator would do in the situation they are in (“Totalitarianism,” Encyclopaedia). The Thought Police operate similar to this in 1984, as demonstrated by this

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