
Essay On A Worn Path By Eudora Welty

Decent Essays

“ A Worn Path” is by Eudora Welty.. There’s a lot of conflict with Phoenix Jackson. She had two disabilities, but that she doesn’t stop her. Phoenix Jackson is a hero in Eudora Welty A Worn Path. Phoenix trip was long and she faced many barriers. She walks up the hill which wasn’t easy at all. She then walks across the stream with her eyes closed. She continued to walk through the deep woods by herself.
All of a sudden a big black dog comes toward her. It got too close for comfort, so she hit the dog with her cane, and “over she went like a little puff of milkweed” ( Eudora Welty). As she was getting up the dog’s owner was approaching her. They talked for awhile then he pointed his gun at her. He tried to scare her, but that didn’t work.

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