
Essay On Being An American Citizen

Decent Essays

America, the land of the free and he home of the brave, but what exactly does this mean to me? Many countries in the world no matter how old or young they may be cannot compare to the Democratic free society created by the blood sweat and tears of pilgrims colonist and slaves. The freedoms and liberties outlined in the Constitution at the time they were written were unheard of. The bravery of the leaders of the Revolutionary war, the Patriots, and the young and the old is the same bravery that all our branches of military have today. Being an American citizen was a blessing that I was born into. However, for other people who were born into less fortunate places would give anything even their lives to get to America. When the pilgrims first landed here they were looking for a new life. They were searching for religious freedom. When the other settlements began to form the settlers were searching for freedoms of their own. The freedom to own land and govern themselves even tho they were under the King’s reign. The bravery of these settlers has to be thought of as amazing because they survived horrible passages across the Atlantic Ocean. Only, to arrive and suffer from starvation, suffrage, and terrible seasons. So, when I think of my country I think of these brave people and realize that this is why I get to live the way that I live …show more content…

The bravery of these men to fight the greatest trained military in the world is so admirable. The Patriots of the Revolutionary war were the role models of our military today. I can enjoy the freedoms of this great nation because I know that our military is protecting the my constitutional rights and keeping me safe. America not only means freedom, it means that I can enjoy those freedoms because my rights are protected by the military that fights for the rights of this

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