
Essay On Being In Debt

Decent Essays

Being in debt is a stressful condition whereby you struggle to pay your monthly bills. So, how to avoid this situation altogether? In this article, we will be sharing 5 useful tips to help you stay out of debt.


First of all you should make sure that you create a monthly budget. Budgeting will allow you to control where your money is spent and ensure that you are not going over your limit. Make sure that you set aside some money for savings as well as an emergency fund. This will help protect you if ever you run in an unforeseen circumstance.

Increasing your income

By increasing your income, you will be able to not only pay out your existing debt but also allow you to raise your standard of living. This can be achieved by taking a part-time job or monetizing some other assets. For instance, you might want to rent out a part of your house in order to get a rental income. There …show more content…

This will allow you to decrease your monthly repayment and free out some more money. You might even get a better deal by switching to a competitor. If you have different debt payments you might consider loan consolidation as a way to reduce your monthly payments. Try to talk with your bank or financial adviser for any ways to consolidate your loan.

Credit Cards

If you are serious about staying out of debt, you should keep your credit card spending to a minimum. Make sure that you choose a credit card that suits your spending pattern. For instance, if you are a frequent flyer you would want to choose a credit card that provides you with facilities on hotel or car rental. Always make sure that you pay your credit card debt in full when you receive the bill to avoid any excessive interest rate. If you have multiple credit cards choose the one that carry the less rate of interest and discard the rest. This will allow you to make some savings in the long

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