
Essay On Best Practice Of Standby

Better Essays

Best Practice 1:

I picked the practice of being the employer of choice. This is when a company wants to make a great first impression with the applicants that it is interviewing. The company needs to be the best they can to make a great first impression so that the applicant can view them as an employer of choice. This helps management with spreading the word of mouth from one applicant that has been in to interview to other applicants that are looking for jobs. This gives a company a good reputation not only with applicants but also with other companies that might want to partner with them. This practice can be taught by providing the hr or representative that is interviewing with proper instructions and also training them on how to make the company be an employer of choice for the public. A company that becomes an employer of choice will be more successful because of the reliability and the trust that applicants gain when they are interviewed for the first time and the company satisfies the applicant as a company that they want to work for.

Best Practice 2:

The practice of keeping talent on standby is very helpful for many companies to practice and benefit from. A company that is well organized …show more content…

This act prohibits the discrimination against the disability and aspects of an employee from an employment relationship. Every company should have an understanding of what this act is and why it is necessary for them to know it and practice it in the work place to avoid legal issues. The Americans with Disability Act prohibits discrimination based on the disability of an employee and all other aspects of the employment relationship such as job application process, firing the employee, promoting or compensating a disabled employee, and training as well as other work related

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