
Essay On Brownfield

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As corporations move their inputs internally away from agglomeration economies they seek out periphery areas. Unlike inner city areas, periphery areas have inexpensive land that larger firms seek out. As larger firms grow more capital-intensive, they take interest into the land outside the city and move their jobs to the outskirts. The cycle of investment and disinvestment contributes to urban sprawl, gentrification, and brownfields. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) defines brownfields as “property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant” (“Brownfield Overview”). The product cycle of firms contribute to the disinvestment of inner city areas and investment into periphery areas. The consequences of disinvestment are abandoned properties that diminish community and property values. A solution to brownfields is seeking guidance from the U.S. EPA grants and assessments to reclaim tax incentives, jobs, and community value. Brownfields are abandoned properties that have the potential presence of of a hazardous substance or contaminant. A contribution to the contamination or pollution of a site are underground storage tanks. …show more content…

The City partnered with Central Savannah River Area Regional Commission to hire the environmental consultant firm Hart and Hickman. The solution to redeveloping brownfield sites are applying for EPA brownfield grant funding to assist in either cleanup planning, community involvement, provide subgrants, or job training. The City of Millen’s mission was to promote jobs, create a tax base, and improve quality of life for the residents of the city. With the help of the partners The City of Millen applied for EPA Cleanup Funds for the new Ayock corner and received funding from GA DOT National Scenic Byways Program

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