
Essay On Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral Palsy is form of paralysis caused by brain defect or injury during birth. It is an impairment of muscular function and causes weakness to limbs. This is caused by lack of oxygen right after birth and is usually accompanied by learning disorders or mental retardation.
Signs are easier to show your child has cerebral palsy because a child is diagnosed so early, they can’t really show symptoms because they aren’t developed enough. Symptoms is the way the child feels, which isn’t visible until a little later in life. The earliest sign of Cerebral Palsy is a delay of development such as the delay in the ability to sit, crawl, or walk. Signs doctors will also look for are things like unusual posture or irregular muscle tone. A sign that causes doctors to immediately suggest your kid has Cerebral Palsy is a traumatic delivery.
When diagnosing Cerebral Palsy, you want to make sure you receive the type and that you diagnose the other conditions such as speech problems that are also visible because of Cerebral Palsy. When a child is lacking certain developments that are suppose to occur when the child grows, physicians will observe through …show more content…

These treatments are to improve or maintain their health. Some treatments such as physical therapy can help their muscles to get stronger, so it doesn’t hurt as much to walk or is easier to walk since their muscles are used to it. Medications can help control symptoms, help your muscles to relax, or to help with the other conditions that might be occurring with Cerebral Palsy. Also, pain management can allow them to be able to cope with the pain, and improves their life because they don’t have to deal with as much pain. Surgery may help with control of affected limbs for severe cases or you can use braces, casts , or splints to help keep up or improve the ability for the

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