
Worth The Cost Of College Essay

Decent Essays

In today’s society, most high school students have a common objective, which is to go to college. There is a significant number of people going to college, yet the issue of unemployment is still there even if one obtains a degree, which brings up the dilemma if college is really worth it. Although, college is expensive, it is worth the cost because college graduates are most likely to receive a high salary, and college helps students to find themselves as well as pursuing their passion. Many claim that college is expensive. Although college is expensive and not everyone has the luxury to be able to afford to attend such a place, there is financial help to relieve students of the costs. According to David Leonhardt, after graduating from college, …show more content…

College is a place where students get to discover their interests and develop skills to improve their craft, as stated by Michael Roth in source B. College is a place where students are safe and should be comfortable to explore their interests. Whether it be a career choice or ideas about life, college is a breeding ground of sharing ideas and knowledge. Not only do colleges help students express themselves, but allow individuals to find people who are like-minded or challenge their views, which allow for debate and the learning of a new perspective. College offers a place for students to socialize and discover their interests, which can enhance their passion and will to pursue their career. Along with discovering new ideas, college students have the opportunity to connect with certified people with experience who can offer ways to sharpen their skills before entering the workforce. Having connections and experience before applying for a job gives college graduates an edge to other potential employers, enhancing their chances of being hired. Additionally, colleges could offer internships or other forms of experience for students, furthering their chances of being employed over non-college graduates. Therefore, college is worth the money and

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