
Essay On Equality 7-2521

Satisfactory Essays

Writing is a big part of our culture today and is a big part of today's world. In the book Anthem writing was considered a sin and was against their rules. Writing influences a lot and is a big part of how we know and can remember so many things. Writing lets us know information about the past and how they lived from back in the past so we would not forget. That’s the reason that the city that Equality 7-2521 lives in does not know anything from the past and none of the inventions that could help them out. The city instead of keeping records and writing things down they ban writing for their citizens. This is why Equality 7-2521 has the right idea and does not listen to the council and continues to write even though it was banned. If they did …show more content…

Equality 7-2521 was smart in writing what he was doing down because now he will remember what he did year or three ago. Also it is a good idea to write important information down because if somebody finds what was written then they might learn something. This happened when Equality 7-2521 found the manuscripts in the house and he learned more from those than all of his years in school. That was another reason that Equality 7-2521 was right in writing because he may now be able to educate someone who finds his writings because if it happened to him why can it not happen with Equality’s writings. If nobody would have wrote these manuscripts how would anybody be able to remember anything that happened in the past of remember instructions. This would be almost impossible and the information would change every time it was told. If we could not write in our society it would not be as advanced as it is today and might be like it was then. Our world might even devolve like there's because we would not have directions and could not make complex inventions and would be stuck with instructions like the wax candle. Equality 7-2521 will help the society grow because once people see that it is easy to go against sins more people will do it and more people will write. This will help because then the society will be able to advance instead of being so behind in technology. Equality 7-2521 is actually helping the society because he will soon evolve the society up

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