
Essay On Hate Speech On Campus

Decent Essays

Hate Speech on college campuses The founding fathers made free speech the First Amendment not to protect popular speech, but for the protection of unpopular speech that goes against the views of the majority. In the United States, colleges are a form of higher education beyond high school where students go further themselves for their future careers. While at college, students engage in debates that will either reaffirm or make them rethink their own beliefs, in turn making students active and engaged US citizens. However, recently an emergence of calls for the regulation of speech have gained popularity across US campuses. These people seek to regulate speech to keep students from taking offense from speech in order to promote an inclusive and diverse college environment. Colleges have a responsibility to maintain a welcoming environment for all students on campus regardless of their race or religion. However, questions to how …show more content…

campuses. However, they show how student organizations can deteriorate without standards of decency, respect, and tolerance. Although there have been movements of hatred that emerged among college campuses that caused real harm throughout the world. There have been movement that emerged among college campuses that brought positive change to the world even when it conflicted with ideals that were common place in society. The Berkeley Free Speech Movement of the mid 1960’s ended in success giving students the right to free speech on campus, and lifted the ban of on-campus political activities. Prior to the free speech movement, students were not allowed to engage in political activities like protesting vietnam and fighting for civil rights. The campus blocked their right to free speech because they didn't agree with their views. The movements success was due to mass civil disobedience throughout the 1964-1965 school

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