
Essay On Hiking

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We humans are social animals. We normally prefer others around us and enjoy sharing experiences with others. In some situations, some of us like to experience the world alone. If the empty, open trail beckons you, then solo hiking might be what you’re looking for. There may be potential consequences when solo hiking which you need to be prepared to deal such as being prepared for solo hiking, and the dangers of solo hiking.

Some people may have experience hiking while others don’t. It's important to be prepared when your solo hiking. Let’s talk about getting prepared, the first thing is to get supplies that are necessary to go hiking such as water, map, food, etc. You mostly need these important things, the most important thing overall …show more content…

For example in the article “The Most Important Rule” it talks about how there's a website where you can enter where you're hiking and what time your coming back, “ If you fail to respond to a text from the HikerAlert website, designated emergency contacts entered when the account was created”. Organizing and planning your hiking journey, more likely for you, you will have a better hiking experience than Aron and Amos, just remember you tell someone before you're going alone on an adventure.

Whether you're alone or not, there are real dangers when you're heading to the wild. Being prepared to deal with situations is your responsibility when heading out. With one to check your map reading and finding direction, losing your way is probably the most common thing for solo hikers. Let's say you are in Canada, you want to go towards nature but you have no idea how to use a map or a compass, well before doing that make sure you do know how to in the article “Hiking Alone In Canada”, “ Some of Canada's trails go for thousands of miles,many places through areas that do not see people for long stretches”. The best way to prevent yourself from getting lost is try to be near civilization like the article “Hiking Alone In Canada” states “Choose areas that are near civilization. This way, you are close to people, even if you get lost”. Even with good navigation skills, nature can turn you around with wind, blizzards, fog, overgrown paths, and snow cover. Having

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