
Essay On How To Sell Your New Home

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Moving Van In Your Future? How To Sell Your Current Home First A new custom Florida home is on your radar, but, oops — you must first lost the old one. Hold that excitement. Most folks aren’t liquid enough to place the current abode on the market, then head south to buy the new home. You can’t either? No worries. We’re here with helpful tips for selling your current home faster that you might think. Read on. Don’t Set An Unreasonable Price Many of you likely had a parent warn, “moderation in all things,” at some point when you were a kid, right? The same principal applies here. You may think your current home is worth $300,000 — it might’ve appraised that way — but if other homes for sale in your immediate market are moving at …show more content…

How about outdated linoleum in the kitchen? Time for a change! Focus on upgrading items rather than a massive overhaul. If it helps, think like a prospective buyer — which you will be once you sell your current home. Here’s a helpful exercise: walk in your front door as if for the first time and take notes about what catches your eye — ugh, those scratched-up hall closet doors. The powder-room toilet with the cracked seat. Kitchen faucets from two decades ago. A dysfunctional ceiling fan. Walls that need repainting. These are easier and smarter fixes that can pay off big. Speaking of the kitchen… Definitely Upgrade The Kitchen! It’s the one area of your home that needs to shine. Kitchens are major selling points because they perform vital functions every day. Many buyers will overlook dated carpet or disagreeable paint colors if the kitchen is clean, pleasant and stocked with classic, working appliances. So invest your renovation dollars here. Again, don’t sledgehammer it and start from scratch (unless it’s really that bad), but replace faucets. Upgrade appliances if it’s time and you’d do that anyway if you weren’t selling your home. Paint or reface cabinets. Tuck small pots of fresh herbs in the windowsill over the sink. If you need the kickstart, remember that kitchen tweaks give you the biggest chance to recoup your upgrade expenses via the selling price of your home. Let The Sunshine In Already a Florida resident? Then you know the

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