
Essay On Immunizing The Public Against Anti Vaccine Myths

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Immunizing the Public Against Anti-Vaccine Myths:
The Best Vaccine Against Misinformation is the Correct Information
Picture yourself as a parent, driving your twelve-month old to the clinic for a scheduled vaccine. You wait at the reception, they call your name, you are pointed to a room, you wait, the vaccine is administered, the doctor mentions some information, and you drive home. The sequence ends with a small feeling of accomplishment as you check another box on your list of parental responsibilities. The next day, you are scrolling the Internet, and a headline grabs your attention, “new fear over MMR link with rising autism”. A quick flashback to the previous day causes a sinking feeling in your gut, and the headline is sure to …show more content…

The scientific community has debunked the vaccine-autism link countless times; however, the controversy seems to constantly linger in the background of the discourse, and is brought up to the forefront every now and then. Unfortunately, the vaccine controversy is the tail that wags the dog, since those subscribing to vaccine myths are a definite minority; however, they are tenacious enough to thwart the efforts of informative immunization campaigns. Since vaccine myths tend to eclipse the truths about immunization, it is important to scrutinize the dialogue and separate the facts from the fiction.
The Facts and the Fiction
Researching about vaccines on the internet tends to bring up websites and forums that support immunization; however, a small alteration of the search using anti-vaccination key words will quickly take you down a rabbit hole of anti-vaccine websites and sensationalist headlines that tread dangerous waters that are far from the factual shore. Although most anti-vaccine beliefs are fringe conspiracy theories that are scarcely mentioned, there are three main myths that have repeatedly come up: the MMR vaccine-autism link, the Thimerosal-autism link, and the immunization schedule debate. While it is important to discuss these popular myths, it is essential to begin by defining what vaccination entails.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines vaccination as, “the injection of a killed or weakened organism that produces immunity in

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