
Essay On Little Family

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When analyzing the change in the Little family’s lifestyle using Stratums C -- before the introduction of the railroad-- and B -- after the introduction of the railroad -- evidence of this transformation exists through the increase of manufactured food products. For instance, in Stratum B, the container in the highest quantity, as indicated in the above summary, is cans of condensed milk that, according to the additional notes, were canned in a factory. This contrasts with Stratum C in which the most prevalent item is empty canning jars (an item that decreases to just nine units in Stratum B) so as to demonstrate changes to the Little family’s subsistence strategy through the presence of the railroad by indicating their ability to rely on industrialization rather than individual agency to produce food. …show more content…

This can be seen specifically, in the rise of luxury goods between list C and B such as, the number of pomade jars (hair product) present which expands from one unit to seven units; also, in the increase in alcohols like beer which advances from just two units to eighteen. Furthermore, this tendency towards factory-made versus human-made objects can also be seen through the multiplied accounts of medicine on each list. For instance, in Stratum C, there is only four articles of medicine and in Stratum B this number grows to eighteen. It is through these items that a progression in medicine available also becomes apparent. Notably, before the railway, the Little Family had generic medicines such as “head-ache powder” however, after the introduction of the railway, the family has branded medicines like Aspirin. This is significant as it exhibits not just a change in the products being incorporated into the family’s living style, but also potentially in the standard of quality of life becoming obtainable through these luxury

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