
Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

Decent Essays

Do you think that the drinking age in the United States should be lowered to eighteen? I’m here to tell you why I think that the age twenty-one is not an appropriate age to be able to drink in the U.S. Research says that In 2012, 36% of the nation’s young adults ages are 18 to 31 and most of the 18 year olds still live at home with their parents(Fry, Richard) this meaning that when these people are finally legal to drink they are on their own and have no idea how alcohol will react with them. If the drinking age was lowered to 18 young adults would be more likely to experience first time drinking at home with parents rather than going out and causing trouble. By the time a person is legally allowed to drink they are on their own and will not know exactly how to handle the first time being drunk, this could cause a lot of chaos if the person were to be in public and no one wants to have to witness or deal with a first time drunk. Some people argue that at the age of eighteen you are not mature enough to be able to handle all the rights of an adult, however in the right environment the act of responsibility should be taught at a younger age to …show more content…

You’re handed all these rights as a newly found adult to society. For example you’re able to fly a plane, serve on a jury, pay taxes, and even get married, but you wouldn’t be able to sip champagne at your own wedding. Most importantly you are reliable enough to fight, armed, for our country. If the government trusts eighteen year olds to serve, fight, and even die for our country, I find it hard to believe that they can’t trust us to drink in a mature manner. In 2008 there was roughly 90,000 men between the ages 18 and 19 that are in the military, and out of these 90,000 not a single one of them has the say in having an alcoholic drink after a long day of fighting for our country.

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