
Essay On Macbeth Act 3 Scene 5

Decent Essays

Performance Reflection
Tori and I were assigned Act 3 Scene 5 for interpretation and performance which resulted in some difficulties. The scene is between the three witches and Hecate. I was assigned Hecate, the Goddess of Sorcery. We had trouble trying to find a way to portray the scene because Hecate was a new character and she had most of the dialogue. Furthermore, the scene’s set is a heath so there weren't many props that could be used. We wanted to display there is question as to whether or not Shakespeare even wrote this scene. The performance was also hindered by the absence of Tori and it didn’t go as well as I had hoped. The purpose of the scene which we tried to portray was that it was a continuation of the theme of prophecy versus …show more content…

The scene is meant to portray Hecate’s anger at the witches for prophesizing and meeting with Macbeth behind her back. Hecate’s words make it seem that it is Macbeth’s is responsible for his actions and not the sisters. This is seen when Hecate is yelling, “Hath been but for a wayward son /Spiteful and wrathful; who, as others do / Loves for his own ends, not you” (III, v, 11-14). This displays that Hecate believes that the witches meddling was useless on Macbeth because he acts as he wants without a car for the witches. We thought it would best if Hecate was yelling at the sisters and they reacting with fear. We also thought we should brief the audience about the scene’s theme and tell them about the question of whether Shakespeare wrote this scene. This scene was written in rhyming couplets which are unlike Shakespeare as he wrote Macbeth predominately in iambic meter. The quality of the writing of this scene has also been criticized. This has led to the removal from movies, plays, and even readings. This meant we didn’t have many sources to get ideas from and had to rely on mostly our own interpretation. We also wanted to create scenery that resembled a heath. We had planned to use a clip of thunderstorm but we felt that it wouldn’t be heard. Once we had the scene planned out it was only a matter of …show more content…

I wanted to make sure that I portrayed this theme and address the question of whether Shakespeare even wrote this scene. While I did address the question I felt as if I didn’t portray Hecate’s anger as well as I wanted too. I also would have liked to have utilized more props. The performance overall didn’t go as well as I had hoped it would but I still feel as if I learnt a lot from it. I felt that researching and acting the scene out gave me a deeper understanding of the scene than I would have got if I had just read the scene. While the performance didn’t go as well as I would have liked, I still got a deeper understanding of the scene, its context, and its

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