
Essay On Macbeth Power

Satisfactory Essays

To Be Powerful

Power is a very dangerous tool, a lot of people wish they were in power, whether it was amongst others, in life or even to have power over the weather. By nature humans often seek power because they like to be in control. Throughout the play the only thing lady macbeth was truly concerned about was being in control. The desire to be in control was what lead to the downfall of Macbeth because all he could focus on was the thought of being in power.

In Macbeth the first huge display of going to extremes to achieve power was Lady Macbeth trying her hardest to convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan. She did not think that he would go through with it and throughout the play there were many times where she had little or no faith in …show more content…

After Macbeth kills duncan and the knights he begins to go crazy. Macbeth was so corrupt that he even turned on Banquo who was his close friend. Macbeth was so distraught from killing Banquo that he hallucinated banquo was at the banquet and Lady Macbeth had to lie and say that Macbeth had a childhood illness that made him crazy but it was actually his desire to be gain power.

Lastly, Macbeth went even further to try and gain power when he sent the murderers to kill Macduff’s family. He did this because of the witches prophecies about who would become king. At this point in the story Macbeth seems to be entirely crazy from the crimes he has committed and his thirst to be king. This ends with Macbeth coming to a tragic death by Macduff all because he tried to hard to become king.

In conclusion, power in this story is portrayed as a very dangerous thing to have. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth do anything they can to try and gain control over the kingdom but it just ends badly for the two to them. Many people can gain power wisley or try to ignorantly and in this case it they tried to gain it in ignorant

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