
Essay On Poverty On African Americans

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Statistically speaking nearly 1 in 3 Native Americans (29.2%), over 1 in 4 African Americans (27.2%), and 1 in 4 Hispanic/Latinos (23.5%) are below the poverty line (Initiative, 2016). What does this tell us as Public Administrators? It makes us as public administrators what are contributing to these poverty rates and what can we do about it. We as public administrators must be aware of current trends of the overall population and minority groups of the population. For an example, African Americans are more likely to be incarcerated at a rate more than three times their 13.2% share of the overall population. Furthermore, the incarnation rates it 34% of the African American population if the trend continues 1 in 3 black men born in 2001 will go to jail or prison at some point in their lifetime (Initiative, 2016). In regards to employment and gender, Two-thirds of minimum wage earners are women. One in seven women lives below the poverty line, in addition, more than half of all children below the poverty line live in families headed by women (Initiative, 2016). …show more content…

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. has one of unequal income distributions in the developed world, even after taxes and social-welfare policies are taken into account (Desilver, 2013). Furthermore, discriminatory laws passed in the 19th century contributed to the current socioeconomic trends of African Americans. Discriminatory laws have also affected other minorities (such as Latino/ Hispanic, Asians, Native Americans) and women. It is our duty as public administrators to properly address this issues and improve

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