
Essay On Russia

Decent Essays

Just a thought. If the Obama administration along with the DNC and HRC campaign, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Mccabe, Clapper, etc etc, are found to be guilty of bribery, collusion, meddling, extortion, murder, treason, fraud etc etc etc, then wouldn't this be a moot point? In the words of HRC "at this point, what does it matter?" It would mean that dark failed, light prevailed, the truth about everything would be availed and we could begin to prosecute the evil in this country into the sunset we'd sail. We could shrink this ever expanding govt. Were you aware that the State of California has 1000 employees with salaries at or above $500,000 and 160 employees with salaries over $1.1million? This isn't right brothers and sisters. This is …show more content…

Oh, look at the little thought the afflicted hick put together... unfortunately LA and NY this is what happens when you don't go to school ever and you don't have Cuomo as a leader. TIsk Task we should pity them, for they are not like us these vermin" At this point, we have our heads in our hands. Brothers and sisters, I've come to you, humble, sarcastic, sincere, begging, emotionally charged, and intellectually honest. In each instance, I walk away wondering why can you not hear us. Dammit, I'm throwing shit now, I'm freaking screaming at you. WAKE the F#CK UP we love you man, you are Americans we need you with us homey not against us. Yes, you want to lock up the criminals. So do we. Yes, you want a free country, so do we. Yes, you want corporations out of government, so do we. Yes, you want clean air and water, so do we. Yes, you want to take care of all Americans, so do we. Yes, being racist is wrong, so we know. Yes, Foreign meddling is bad and not wanted, we agree. Yes, bullying is wrong and not wanted, we agree. Yes, people have the right to be who and whatever they care to identify as no problem so long as it doesn't affect me, I hope we agree. Yes, LGBTQ has equal rights and can be married, we agree. Yes, it's your body do what you want so long as it doesn't affect me. I hope we agree. Yes, taxes are too high for us, for everyone, after considering the stat I gave to you about the California

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