
Essay On Texas Immigration

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Texas, a vast and beautiful land full of economic prosperity and political freedom. A magnet for the poor and less fortunate; the “Promised Land” to some, while to others, just a place to scrape by, but to many, it is a place called home. Texas attracts many people from all spectrums of status; from immigrants in Mexico looking for an escape from poverty or to citizens up North looking for a better job. Texas is being influenced by the influx of migrants and the increasing population of the younger generations. Due to these circumstances, Texas is gradually transitioning into a Democratic state, leaving her Republican mind-sets in the graves with the past generations. Immigrants, coming in all shapes and sizes, from young and old, to skilled and unskilled, contribute to 17% of the population in Texas, with over 4.7 million men, women, and children Making up more than ⅕ of the labor force, immigrants support and supply local economies by partaking in jobs such as construction, manufacturing, accommodation and food service, retail, healthcare and social assistance. Consequently, emigrants have amplified the Texan economy with tens of billions of dollars and have obtained a spending power of $89.6 billion dollars. …show more content…

Although most immigrants are Hispanic, at least 11% of the newcomers are from India, Vietnam and China. Immigrants from all over the world come for the same three things: economic, religious, and political freedom. The countries the people have escaped from are riddled with thousands of obstacles ranging from political unrest, religious persecution to poverty and oppression. Hoping for a better life for themselves and their loved ones, immigrants experience multiple trials and unthinkable horrors on their journey towards

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