
Essay On The 14th Amendment

Decent Essays

The Court has promoted both the common good and individuals rights through the 14th Amendment by not allowing states to enforce any laws taking away people’s rights, by not allowing the state to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denying equal protection of the laws in their jurisdiction.
In the Court case Plessy V. Ferguson the Court said that requiring blacks and whites to be transported in different railroad cars was alright as long as the different cars were equal in all ways. (Plessy V. Ferguson 1896) But in a later case (Brown V. Board of Education 1954) It was proven that having segregated schools was damaging the psychological development of young African Americans. The separate but equal doctrine was removed for violating the 14th Amendment. …show more content…

The reason the ‘separate but equal’ doctrine couldn’t work was because the facilities weren’t equal and blacks were still being discriminated against. Rosa Parks demonstrated exactly why the doctrine wouldn’t work. After the doctrine was removed the change helped the blacks gain the same rights as the white man. This decision also brought the Nation forward as a whole.
In the Court Case Mapp V. Ohio (1961) Ohio police wanted to search Dollree Mapp’s Apartment to find proof of illegal betting among other things. They used a pretend warrant to search through his home after he told them no. After doing this they found evidence of child pornography and other things found in his apartment. When they went to trial the Judge ruled in favor of Mapp because his 4th and 14th amendment amendment was broken. He was allowed to walk free.
The Government promoted the common good by not taking Mapp to prison because the evidence was found illegally. Mapps individual rights were also promoted because he was able to walk free because he was wronged by the

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