
Essay On The Decision Should Be My Alone

Decent Essays

The Decision Should Be Yours Alone
A little bundle of joy turns six months old today. Just watch her sleep, so peaceful, and innocent; surely she is the brightest and most beautiful and baby ever. Hesitating to wake her at first, but knowing she has an early doctor’s appointment slowly Mom removes her from the crib. This morning started just like any other morning, feeding and dressing Sarah, and soon they were on their way to the doctor’s appointment. Ever so carefully, she is buckled into her car seat, as Mom remembered how much care she and her husband put into selecting just the right car seat. Carefully reviewing all the safety information, and finally deciding to purchase the more expensive model with better safety reviews. Nothing …show more content…

Sadly, this is not true with vaccinations. In most instances, the new parents have no idea that a routine doctor’s appointment to vaccinate their child could become so life-changing. Or if they were aware, they never believed it would happen, to them. Vaccines pose dangers and should never be mandated, every individual has the unquestionable right to decide if they wish to take risks involved for a specific vaccine, no cohesion, no misrepresentation of the facts, no employer or government mandate, with the parent or guardian responsible making this decision for minor children.
The Nuremberg Code is a direct result of the medical experimentation conducted by Nazi doctor’s in concentration camps, during World War Two; it prohibits any medical procedure or treatment without the informed consent of the patient. Vaccine mandates violate the fundamental principles of the first point of the Nuremberg Code which states explicitly that “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential” (Trials of War 181). In Vaccines a Reappraisal, Dr. Moskowitz stresses the right to free choice and informed consent of the participants, citing the first article of the Nuremberg code of 1947 to emphasize this importance (Moskowitz 39). Furthermore, the fourth article of the Nuremberg Code states “The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid

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