
Essay On The Great Gatsby Status Is Not Everything

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Status isn't everything. It doesn't make you invisible from everything. What Fitzgerald and what I took from the book The Great Gatsby, I think are pretty similar because Status does not have an effect on people when it comes to Morals and Ethics. That all really just depends on who you are and really, what you can get away with. In the beginning, Gatsby is seen as just a figure, not as an actual person. When Nick goes to his party for the first time, nobody really knows who he is. Everyone knows of him, of his wealth, of his status, but don't care really about anything else about him. They are only there for the party and that’s all. One really big benefit from his status though is that during this time you have to think that prohibition was a thing and having all of the alcohol really told what kind of status he has. Everyone in town knows about it but why don’t they stop him? Because everyone loves him. They could honestly care less about all the bad things that he has done or what they speculate he has done like …show more content…

When Nick and all of the other characters involved with Gatsby actually see him for he really is, this all changes. Especially when Tom tells everyone the real story of Gatsby how “He and Wolsheim bought a lot of side-street drug-stores… and sold grain alcohol over the counter.”, (pg. 134) Even mentioning something else that he doesn't want to say, and even with Daisy and with his endless and blind pursuit of her, really told him a lot about Gatsby. This is also when their friendship starts to fall because he realizes that he was just trying to hide behind all of his wealth and status from the people he cared most about and when they found out, they disapproved of it greatly. Daisy left town and Nick was left to help out what remained in the aftermath of the mess Gatsby had made. So even through all that everyone thought of Gatsby, the truth remains, fresh and

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