
Essay On The Importance Of Setting In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The novel Frankenstein is set in a gothic and tragic setting. This setting is crucial to the plot, characters and actions of the novel. The novel takes place in the eighteenth century. It has many different locations but the main location is in England. Have you ever wondered if it had a deeper meaning? The setting is important to understanding why Victor acts the way he does. Growing up in the eighteenth century they weren't many things to occupy people. Victor went to college to keep himself busy. Once in school, he created a monster that was hideous and made of other body parts. Victor stated,” Natural philosophy that has regulated my fate.” He meant that he was destined to be a scientist and create the savage monster. Since it was the eighteenth century, advancements in crime investigation weren’t made yet. When his …show more content…

Victor’s father adopted a bride for Victor to marry in the late future. He confirms then when he states, “My more than sister—the beautiful and adored companion of all my occupations.” By him stating that he lets the reader know that although she is his adopted sister he still loved her. This was normal in the eighteenth century. So eventually, the monster murdered victor soon to be wife out of revenge. The police at the time couldn’t prosecute the monster because there were no laws in place so instead they ran it out of town. Next is the way the setting affected the conflicts and the way people dealt with the conflicts. One conflict was the De lacey family. They maintained an image that they were rich and had it all. Since they had so much the monster felt it was okay to steal food from them. After the monster found out they were impoverished he cut firewood for them. The way he dealt with this conflict let me know it is and old setting. Instead of apologizing he gave them firewood because he knew they needed firewood more than a

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